Community Guidelines

Our community is built on mutual respect, friendship, and a shared love for gaming. To ensure that everyone has a great time, we ask that you follow these simple guidelines:

  1. Be respectful: Treat everyone with kindness and respect, regardless of their skill level, opinions, or background.
  2. Keep it clean: Avoid using offensive language or sharing inappropriate content. Let's keep our community welcoming and safe for everyone.
  3. No cheating: Play fair and don't use hacks, cheats, or exploits. Cheating not only ruins the experience for others but also undermines the spirit of the game.
  4. Help each other: Offer assistance and share your knowledge with fellow gamers. We're all here to learn, grow, and enjoy gaming together.
  5. Don't spam: Refrain from posting repetitive or irrelevant messages in chat or on the forums. It distracts from meaningful conversations and can be annoying to others.
  6. Avoid being "dunced": In our community, those who consistently break the guidelines or behave poorly may be given the "dunce" role on Discord. This role is a visible reminder to improve one's behavior and avoid making a fool of oneself. It's crucial to follow the guidelines to prevent being "dunced."

By following these community guidelines, we can ensure that the AGGL remains a fun, friendly, and engaging space for all. Happy gaming!